A Dinosaur Story

Last year in August I asked my siblings to ask their kids what they like better, with the following choices; Ocean Life, Foxes, Llamas, Penguins, Puppies, Forest Animals, Swans, Unicorns, Dinosaurs or Unicorns.

These were the Elizabeth Hartman patterns that I have. My nephew, who turned eight last year, chose Dinosaurs. Not a big surprise and really, exactly what I hoped he’d pick. I had just finished a dinosaur quilt for a baby, and I was just dying to make the big one.

What a huge project! There is even a chart to keep track of which color goes where.

It is really a good idea to use the chart.

I chose a dark gray so the colors would really pop. I love the way they look. I found the dinosaurs really looked better with a print that reads solid, so those crabby crabs are kind of goofy, but I wasn’t about to redo them! The light bulbs are kinda funny too.

T-Rex heads!

The light bulb fabric is fun because my dad worked for the local electric company for years.

Staying organized is key to making this quilt. I used the alphabitties to keep everything straight.

Seriously, the only way to keep zillions of pieces organized.
Alphabitties rule!

This whole project was not something I wanted to rush through but it was easy to work on it a little each day. I had plenty of time to get it done by Christmas, but I completed the top in three weeks.

T-Rex blocks.

The blocks included some plant life, because dinosaurs like that.

Brachiosaurus blocks.

The light blue fabric in the brachiosaurus is one I used years ago as the backing for a quilt for my brother. I wonder if he noticed that.

Triceratops blocks.

The light red was used in a quilt that I made “honoring” our first little dog.

Stegosaurus block. Didn’t get a pic of the group.

Once the blocks were all made, it was time for them to get together in groups. The original layout is very rainbow-like, and since it looks super awesome, I planned to rainbow it up too.

I can’t even explain how much I loved making this quilt. Everything went together so well and precisely. I am not taking credit, it’s a well written pattern.

Two sections of rainbow-ness.

It really amazed me how each section just FIT and worked perfectly. Normally I don’t cut sashing pieces until I need them. When I measured my sections, they matched the sizes listed! This was like, the first time EVER that that happened!

The completed top!

Like I said, I completed this top in three weeks. A little bit of sewing every day is the way to go. I could see my progress and enjoyed it so much.

I didn’t have a large enough backing for this quilt in my stash, so I searched for something online that would go with it well, and “be cool” for my nephew. I found an awesome backing that was green with dinosaur fossils/bones. It was so perfect, so I ordered it and planned to get this finished!

Quilting has begun! See the green backing in the corner?

I didn’t get around to quilting until sometime in November. I was sick during all of October and didn’t feel up to doing a thing. (Sinus infection, not Covid.)

Some BIG stitches in places.

I used a light gray for the top and a slightly darker shade for the back. This is a huge quilt, so I needed a simple design that would be fun and easy. Simple loops is my go-to so that’s what it had to be! I also quilted a secret message in one corner, but it’s in cursive, so I don’t know if he’ll be able to read it. Surely one of the parents can do that! Pretty fun!

So before the big delivery I had the hubs hold the quilt up for me. It amazes me that I made this big thing!

The Land Before Time Quilt.

As usual I consulted with the hubs for quilt names. He really IS very clever and so good at it.

Our label. I sent that loopy heart to him once and “it blew his mind” so I had to include it on the label!

My husband and I drove to their house to give the kids their gifts. My nephew had the BEST reaction! He gathered the quilt up to wrap himself in. He loved that it was rainbow and that it had his favorite color in it. (Teal. What 8 year old likes teal?) He knows the names of the dinosaurs. (I had to look them up to write this blog.)

Later that day my brother sent me a picture of the quilt on the bed. It fit perfectly so I was thrilled! I hope he enjoys it and doesn’t outgrow it any time soon.

This is why I make and gift quilts. Since this kid was three, he’s known to call the “blankets” from me, quilts. He knows I make them and he knows to look for hearts or a little something “drawn with thread.” He can look at this quilt and know that it was made especially for him by me.

Next time I’ll share the quilt I made for my niece, also an Elizabeth Hartman pattern.


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