
This is what I should have named this quilt. But when one wants to get it out the door and gifted, one goes with the obvious.

Betsy’s Garden

In March Pat Sloan offered a free pattern challenge called March Hope. The plan was to make a block every day for the month of March. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you, I can’t stand doing one thing a day for a month.

So I made them all and finished the top right before the end of March. I knew I’d be gifting this quilt to my friend, so I made sure to free motion the meandering flower all over it. It will crinkle so beautifully when it’s washed.

Flower meander & scrappy binding.

You’d think it’d be a challenge to find so many fabrics in this pretty color, but not in my stash! When it the time came for the binding, I used most of the scraps leftover from making the blocks. Since they blend together so well, it’s not super obnoxious like it can be sometimes.

The backing was simple and sweet.

I absolutely loved using this simple diamond print for the backing. The quilting shows really nicely on it and the colors are also on the front of the quilt, so it matches!

Lookit that binding!

It just warms my heart to gift quilts to dear friends. I dropped it off this afternoon and being the curious type, she opened it all up right away! Her response was, “It’s a year round garden!” And it is.

So much fun!

Social distancing has really changed the way we do things. Gift giving, which should include lots of hugging, has taken a real hit. But it’s the thought that counts, and I think I’ll keep making quilts for people.

Have a good week, friends.


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